Publication list

111.  Sulphur Depleted Monolayered Molybdenum Sulfide Nanocrystals for Super Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Reaction

L. Lin, N. Miao, Y. Wen, S. Zhang, Ph. Ghosez, Z. Sun and D. Allwood, ACS Nano 8929, 10 (2016).

110.  Predictions of pinning

P. Paruch and Ph. Ghosez, Nature 534, 331 (2016). 

109.  First-principles study of the thermoelectric properties of SrRuO3

N. Miao, B. Xu, N. C. Bristowe, D. I. Bilc, M. J. Verstraete and Ph. Ghosez, J. Phys. Chem. C 120, 9112 (2016).

108.  Large elasto-optic effect and reversible electrochromism in multiferroic BiFeO3

D. Sando, Y. Yang, E. Bousquet, C. Carrétéro, V. Garcia, S. Fusil, D. Dolfi, A. Barthélémy, Ph. Ghosez, L. Bellaiche and M. Bibes, Nature Comm. 7, 10718 (2016).

107.  Electric field control of Jahn-Teller distortions in bulk perovskites

J. Varignon, N. C. Bristowe and Ph. Ghosez, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 057602 (2016).

106.  Thermoelectric properties of the unfilled skutterudite FeSb3 from first principles and Seebeck local probes

S. Lemal, N. Nguyen, J. De Boor, Ph. Ghosez, J. Varignon, B. Klobes, R. P. Hermann and M. J. Verstraete, Phys. Rev. B 92, 205204 (2015).

105.  Model of two-dimensional electron gas formation at ferroelectric interfaces

P. Aguado-Puente, N. C. Bristowe, B. Yin, R. Shirasawa, Ph. Ghosez, P. B. Littlewood, and E. Artacho, Phys. Rev. B 92, 035438 (2015). (Editor's Suggestion)

104.  Coupling and electrical control of structural, orbital and magnetic orders in perovskites

J. Varignon, N. Bristowe, E. Bousquet and Ph. Ghosez, Sci. Rep. 5, 15364 (2015).

103.  Optimization of Thermoelectric Properties of MgAgSb-Based Materials: A First-Principles Investigation

N. Miao and Ph. Ghosez, J. Phys. Chem. C 119, 14017 (2015).

102.  Low-dimensional transport and large thermoelectric power factors in bulk semiconductors by band engineering of highly-directional electronic states

D. I. Bilc, G. Hautier, D. Waroquiers, G.-M. Rignanese & Ph. Ghosez, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 136601 (2015).