A new step in understanding the metal-insulator transition of nickelates

A new step in understanding the metal-insulator transition of nickelates - 30/08/2020

Research in materials physics is one of the cornerstones of our company's technological development. Just as a better understanding of the mode of action of COVID-19 appears to us today to be an indispensable prerequisite for the development of effective treatments and vaccines, an understanding at the atomic scale of the phenomena originating at the heart of materials is an indispensable step for their subsequent use in innovative and practical devices. It is in this context that Yajun Zhang, Alain Mercy and Philippe Ghosez, from the Department of Theoretical Physics of Materials of the CESAM research unit (University of Liège), have just made an important discovery [1] : read more here !

[1] Length-scales of interfacial coupling between metal-insulator phases in oxides. C. Dominguez, A.B. Georgescu, B. Mundet, Y. Zhang, J. Fowlie, A. Mercy, S. Catalano, T. Duncan, T.L. Alexander, Ph. Ghosez, A. Georges, A. Millis, M. Gibert and J.-M. Triscone, Nature Materials (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41563-020-0757-x