Theory of functional oxides at finite temperature
Two postdoctoral positions are available in the group of Prof. Philippe GHOSEZ at the University of Liège . The focus of the projects is to combine first-principles DFT simulations with ABINIT and second-principles effective models with MULTIBINIT to study the behavior of different kinds of ABO3 perovskites at finite temperature. The first project relates to ferroelectrics and the study of topological structures like polar skyrmions. The second project concerns lthe modelling of metal-insulator transitions in charge- and orbital-ordered systems, including both electronic and structural degrees of freedom. Both projects will be closely coordinated with experimental groups.
Experience with first-principles DFT methods is essential, and a background with transition-metal oxides, magnetic materials and effective atomistic models will be strongly advantageous.
Interested candidates should send a cover letter together with a CV (including list of publications and names of references) to Philippe GHOSEZ ( at their earliest convenience. Consideration of candidates will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled.