Publication list

61.  Correlation between optical constants and crystal chemical parameters of ZrW2O8

R. D.  Shannon, R. X. Fischer, O. Medenbach, E. Bousquet and Ph. Ghosez, J. Sol. State Chem. 182, 2762 (2009).

60.  Polarization vortices in germanium tellurite nanoplatelets: A theoretical study

E. Durgun, Ph. Ghosez, R. Shaltaf, X. Gonze and J.-Y. Raty, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 247601 (2009). (Editors’ suggestion; Featured in Physics)

59.  ABINIT : first-principles approach to material and nanosystem properties

X. Gonze, Ph. Ghosez et al. Computer Physics Communications 180, 2582 (2009)

58.  New insight into the concept of ferroelectric correlation volume

G. Geneste, E. Bousquet and Ph. Ghosez,  J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 5, 517-520 (2008).

57.  Improper ferroelectricity in perovskite oxide artificial superlattices

E. Bousquet, M. Dawber, N. Stucki, C. Lichtensteiger, P. Hermet, S. Gariglio, J.-M. Triscone and Ph. Ghosez, Nature (London) 452, 732-736 (2008).    

56.  A new hybrid exchange-correlation functional for accurate prediction of the electronic and structural properties of ferroelectric oxides

D. I. Bilc, R. Orlando, R. Shaltaf, G.-M. Rignanese, J. Iniguez and Ph. Ghosez,  Phys. Rev. B 77, 165107 (2008).

55.  First-principles study of the dielectric and dynamical properties of orthorhombic CaMnO3

S. Bhattacharjee, E. Bousquet and Ph. Ghosez, J. Phys. : Condens. Matter 20, 255229 (2008).

54.  First-principles study of ferroelectric oxide epitaxial thin films and superlattices: role of the mechanical and electrical boundary conditions

J. Junquera and Ph. Ghosez, invited review in the J. Computational Theoretical Nanotechnology 5, 2071 (2008).

53.  Dynamical, dielectric, and elastic properties of GeTe investigated with first-principles density functional theory

R. Shaltaf, E. Durgun, J.-Y. Raty, Ph. Ghosez and X. Gonze, Phys. Rev. B 78, 205203 (2008).

52.  First-principles study of filled and unfilled antimony skutterudites

Ph. Ghosez and M. Veithen, J. Phys. : Condens. Matter 19, 096002 (2007).